Monday, February 28, 2011

More Carbs: Ginger Coconut Cranberry Granola Bread

Carbs are the wind beneath my wings.
One last bread entry. For now...

On a recent weekend, Gladiola (Boy's sister) and I got together to make bread. Off to Debra's Natural Market we went to pick up some odds and ends to include in the recipe. (Ahh, heaven on earth!) The beauty of this recipe - that I have used many times before - is that you can substitute just about anything into it. It calls for granola with fruit in it, raisins, and another dried fruit of your choice.

This is what we used. Are you ready for this??

Granola: "Not So Sweet" Maple Granola
Raisins: Organic Dried Cranberries
Dried Fruit of Choice: Organic Dried Ginger, lightly sugared with Organic Cane Sugar
Wild Card (Because we are risk-takers like that!): Unsweetened Organic Coconut Flakes

I had never tried sweetened dried ginger. Gladiola urged me to try it. It took only a small nibble and I was ready to spit it out all over the kitchen island. Ginger is an amazing flavor and I love cooking with it fresh, but dried is a whole new ballgame. Imagine the strong flavor essentially condensed down to one right-hook-to-the-face bite. The result is not so good for nibbling on alone, but a great accent flavor for an otherwise tame-flavored loaf of bread. I was highly skeptical when Gladiola suggested it, but I will admit that I am very pleased I let her talk me into it.

We also decided to bake it without using a loaf pan. The result was a beautiful, super-fancy looking round loaf. It almost looks like we knew what we were doing!

1 comment:

  1. I have been using your bread ideas by adding them to other breads. I will try the dried ginger as soon as I find it in a grocery store. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge and ideas.
